What is CASL?

CASL stands for Canada’s Anti-Spam Legislation and you will need to be ready by July 1st, 2014. This is significant and penalties can be severe. The law applies to all electronic communications that have a commercial purpose and it requires senders to obtain express consent for commercial electronic messages including email.

CASL Has 3 Requirements

3 requirements


Unsubscribe mechanism


Campayn has built in features that automatically include your identification, and the unsubscribe mechanism complies with CASL but the most challenging for organizations will be the record keeping of consent.


Express Consent

The contact gave you explicit indication of consent to receive emails. This can be obtained by any verbal or written means and is valid until the contact withdraws consent or unsubscribes.

Implied Consent

Implied consent would still be permitted to a customer with whom there's an existing relationship to convey information related to a specific good or service. Say a customer had purchased an auto insurance policy from ABC Insurance and they wanted to send an email to say that the policy was almost up and the customer should renew. The existing relationship ABC Insurance had with the customer would allow it to contact the customer again without needing express consent for up to two years after the purchase. If express consent can't be achieved within two years, the business must stop sending the customer messages.

Record Keeping

This is where every company needs a good process to not only gain express consent from clients and former clients but also how to acquire consent from new prospects and clients from the start. Campayn has 2 tools and both tools help you attain Certified Express Consent™ and store not only the name, email and other form data but also the contacts IP address as well as a server generated time and date stamp.

Sign up forms

Sign up forms created in Campayn and embedded on your website will record consent. Create Hosted Forms and link to it from virtually anywhere including your mobile device for face-to-face meetings.

Email template with consent button

Edit the CASL email template and when the recipient clicks the 'Consent Granted' button it's also recorded in the contacts details page.